FireClass Visual Alarm and Indication Devices – Your solution for every need

FireClass Visual Alarm and Indication Devices – Your solution for every need

100 Years of product innovation
MZX Technology, which provides some of the most advanced fire detection capabilities currently available, is at the heart of the FireClass range. Developed from integrating many years of product innovation through research and development across Europe, MZX Technology has been a great contributor to early detection and minimizing false alarms.

Therefore, the FireClass range has been known as being certified and compliant with the highest level of global standards. As a result of this heritage, Fireclass experts have developed a new series of Sounders, Visual Alarm Devices (VADs) and Visual Indication Devices (VIDs). With their expert knowledge in fire detection technology and systems, it is undeniable that they offer a superior range of devices, which satisfy all the current safety and environmental standards.

What to use where?
In order to determine which devices you need, it is advised to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment of the area. It is mandatory to use sounders as an integral part of the fire detection alarm, as they are the most important alarm device. VADs are used to supplement sounders and have been mandatory since 2014, their use growing considerably with the establishment of EN54-23. Lastly, VIDs serve as a potential indicator for hazards, and raise situational awareness.

The correct use of VADs is now stated in EN54-23, released by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) for use in non-domestic fire alarm systems. The standard, which covers planning, design, installation, commissioning and service, is intended to ensure that visual alarms are bright enough to be effective as a primary means of alert. To do this, the VAD should meet the requirement for coverage volume of at least one of the following categories: Open Class (O), Wall (W) and ceiling (C). In addition, illumination of 0.4 lux is required on a surface perpendicular to the direction of the light emitted from the VAD. The rate of the flash stated should be between o.5Hz and 2Hz, and the devices must be classified as Type A, indoor, and Type B, indoor.

Faster Reaction to Alarm Activation
The effect of the LED light on the human eye is influenced by the light pulse length and this may not be the same as that emitted by a Xenon light. Independent laboratory tests show that duration of the pulse within visual alarm devices influences the way people react to it. Curiously enough, the shorter the pulse duration is, the faster the reaction will be. The new range of devices from FireClass capture these latest innovations and breakthroughs in light technology to operate LED devices with a pulse duration that does not exceed 20ms. Moreover, the new devices have been designed to operate with low levels of current consumption; therefore, more devices can be used on a loop, making the system design and installation easier and considerably more cost effective.

Reflective monitoring and self-test
Considering that regular testing of the fire detection system is paramount, it is notable that it can also be disruptive in buildings such as public institutions or hotels. As a result, the new range of fire alarm devices have been designed to test themselves without disruption.

• Reflective Light Monitoring (RLM) is used in order to perform a full self-test of all VADs.
• Reflective Sound Monitoring (RSM) facilitates a full self-test of the sounding devices.

RSM and RLM measure and test sound light and output. The results are based on real output, not electronic measurements or simulations. Thus, this testing method is very precise, providing the highest performance of the system, also allowing the self-tests to be triggered from the panel user interface at any time. This kind of test is available on the FC32/64/240 panels, and the 600 and 700 series of the fire alarm panels.

High quality and expertise
By selling millions of devices, their product and sales knowledge has expanded significantly, being very beneficial for FireClass. The highest levels of quality and environmental health and safety are ensured by manufacturing the alarm devices in world-class certified European factories.

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