Nike 1948 store, Shoreditch, London

Nike 1948 store, Shoreditch, London

Client: Nike 1948
Type of works: designed, manufactured and installed four individual movable panels each fitted with four High Definition Television screens.

Accordial Wall Systems has recently undertaken a very unique and extremely complex installation of four Video Wall Panels within the new look Nike 1948 store in London’s trendy Shoreditch.

The new 1948 store will not only stock the most exclusive Nike sportswear but will serve as a community space, encouraging Londoners to gather at the store for screenings and events on the run up to and during the London 2012 Olympics.

Working closely with Architects Child Graddon Lewis and leading in-store media specialist Mood Media, Accordial Wall Systems was selected to design, manufacture and install four individual movable panels each fitted with four High Definition Television screens. The design brief was to provide a flexible 4.0m wide x 3.0m high ‘video wall’ which could be set up in numerous locations and configurations to provide Nike with maximum flexibility. And if this was not challenging enough, each panel needed to function as individual ‘video’ panels, forming four media columns, providing separate multiple eye catching in store entertainment. The panels can be moved around the store via the high level head track system.

With aesthetics, design and ease of use a priority, Accordial Wall Systems worked closely with their own manufacturing in-house design team to ensure this unique installation reached their clients very high expectations.

‘You cannot help but feel the store is an impressive example of how digital media on movable wall panels can really enhance the stores layout and plays an integral role in the stores screenings and events’ said Ben Maher, Accordial Wall Systems Regional Sales Manager.

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Movable walls

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