Stainless steel units for station upgrade

Stainless steel units for station upgrade

GEC Anderson stainless steel units were recently specified at Monument Underground Station, as part of a wider upgrade program to Bank Station.

The Atkins Station Design Team invited GEC Anderson to supply and install mess room kitchen fittings that included stainless steel worktops, cabinets and shelving for use by station staff. The work was carried out for CPS Rail Limited, within a strict timescale and in compliance with the highly specific material requirements that are unique to the London Underground station environment.

Most notably, materials must be totally non-combustible and not capable of producing toxic emissions. Other key considerations include longevity and appearance.

GEC Anderson have been involved in supplying London Underground environments in excess of 30 years. Therefore, this particular project posed no particular challenge to the specialist stainless steel supplier. However, Managing Director, Martin Tye comments “With the kind of work that GEC Anderson are involved in, no two projects are ever the same. This means that we have to pay particular attention to each and every order that we receive”. He goes on to say “Even with a generally agreed set of design principles that may apply to a certain client, there tend to be plenty of individual details and features to consider each time”.

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GEC Anderson

GEC Anderson

Founded in 1962, GEC Anderson is the established market leader in stainless steel:
• Sinks & Worktops
• Cabinets & Shelving
• Sanitaryware GEC Anderson aims to provide hygienic, practical and superior solutions to meet...
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