Webinar: Preserving Embodied CO2 with Resilience Management Systems (Earn CPD)

Webinar: Preserving Embodied CO2 with Resilience Management Systems (Earn CPD)

C-Probe Systems, in partnership with Buildoffsite and Ciria, will be hosting an online webinar, Preserving Embodied CO2 with Resilience Management Systems, on Thursday 16th June at 9:15am – 10:30am. This webinar will highlight C-Probe’s collaborative venture with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), the process and benefits from planning stages to the long-term resilience benefits of the end product for asset owners who seek to futureproof their new and existing structures from disrepair.

C-Probe’s latest product is derived from a 10 years collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University, which resulted in the development of an alkali-activated cementitious (AACM) restoration smart product, LoCem®, with the capacity to provide electrochemical protection to steel for the control and prevention of corrosion during the whole life of a structure. Their recent collaboration with The MTC has resulted the development and manufacture a low carbon, standardised modular component aiming to preserve structures for whole life with control and data-driven performance.

Why attend?
• Understand innovations that are emerging to address the decarbonisation of the built environment using resilience management for structures, mitigating climate change risks.
• Discover ways to build better structures as a legacy for next generational use and maintenance.
• Increase your awareness surrounding the process of cathodic protection and the impact corrosion has on the integrity and safety of existing structures.
• Earn valuable CPD

This webinar will be highly suitable for engineers, architects, precasters, contractors (particularly if you’re looking to expand your knowledge around corrosion and sustainable resilience for structures.) Designers, project managers, buyers, and asset owners are also welcome.

If you’re already a Buildoffsite member, sign up here.

For any non-members, attending will cost £45. To book, please sign in or create an account to register. Alternatively, you can complete and return the booking form to james.nguyen@ciria.org.

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