In the current climate of energy insecurity, it makes sense to invest in products that will save energy and costs long term. Commulite's communal and emergency lighting is designed to do just that.
Many options on the market offer a ‘cheap’ up front installation cost, and can seem like a good option, particularly to contractors who’ve been asked to get the most out of the budget. But when the calculations are done over the long term, the true costs become obvious, and it’s the landlord and residents who pay the price; and with the spiralling energy costs, the long term is becoming the short term.
As has been widely reported in the news, many residents are already struggling to keep up with the cost of living, therefore it’s in the best interest for both residents and landlords alike to keep the energy consumption as low as possible to minimise financial pressure.
How does Commulite help?
As well as using highly efficient LED light, Commulite has the ability to program each luminaire individually, meaning systems are controlled to ensure that there is always the right light, in the right place, and the right level. Reducing the hourly consumption and light output without compromising any lighting requirements.
Commulite’s intelligent controls allow them to programme these requirements into different luminaires and link them all to a ‘solar tracking’ timer, resulting in a ‘fit and forget’ communal lighting system. The added bonus is that every single light fitting will provide a nine-hour emergency capability in any lights-out situation.
In a typical block with over 300 luminaires, every minute of unnecessary light has a big impact on the energy bill.
Over the past 15 years, various London Boroughs have chosen Commulite’s system as the most energy efficient and cost-effective solution, having done a rigorous comparison with leading competitors. With energy prices soaring, Commulite is fast becoming an even better option for both short and long-term savings.
Payback on installing a Commulite system is typically 3 years, but with the forecast energy cost increases, investing in a Commulite system will show a return on investment much sooner, with significant future energy savings. They also offer a free bespoke survey and assessment of your building so you will know exactly what saving you can make before making any investment.
All associated maintenance and repair costs are also reduced to zero, as Commulite systems have 7-year manufacturers come to site warranty on all elements.
Further benefits of choosing Commulite are:
• All Commulite systems automatically test and remote report all statutory emergency light testing along with any system or luminaire failures, meaning assurance of compliance at all times.
• No need for an engineer to visit to carry out emergency light testing.
• Every Commulite fitting will run at 3 times the statutory light level for over nine hours, in the event of a power failure that’s enough to get residents safely through the night and could be potentially lifesaving in an emergency situation.
Invest in the best, and keep enjoying the benefits for future years ahead. Call Commulite now to book a free energy survey and assessment of your building to see exactly how much they can save you.