WSL Expands Existing Warehouse for fashion brand FatFace

WSL Expands Existing Warehouse for fashion brand FatFace

Warehouse Systems Limited have worked with fashion brand, FatFace on a number of occasions, providing high quality warehouse racking for their clothing.

WSL was asked to fit a large new warehouse with pallet racking and now, two years later, the warehouse is already expanding its capacity.

The challenge
FatFace needed more storage space. However, with the warehouse required to be in use constantly for distribution of clothes, they could not afford any warehouse downtime. WSL needed to find a way to add more racking, without interrupting the day-to-day work of the warehouse.

WSL Design
WSL put together a design to provide the warehouse with another 1024 pallet locations. The design involved a Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) installation.

The design involved the dismantling of some existing racking and anti-collapse mesh, and replacement with two new double runs of VNA racking, which can hold far more than standard racking.

An area in the warehouse was designated for materials and building equipment and the warehouse manager and project manager worked together closely to ensure safety for all staff.

One rack was removed before the new racking was installed. The dismantled rack was then reinstalled at the end of the project.

The floor had to be ground down to ensure the VNA trucks could operate safely. WSL also provided the supply and installation of the required wire guidance system.

The finished warehouse

The end result was a suitably expanded warehouse, with additional racks and some room for growth, installed with minimal disruption and to schedule.

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